Our services

At Frankston Financial, we offer a complete range of customised services to suit every need.


Making your superannuation savings work for you

To secure yourself financially it is incredibly important to save for your retirement during your working life.

Many people overlook the importance of superannuation and the role it plays in growing your retirement nest egg. For instance, those who pay little attention to their superannuation fund, may find that their superannuation savings are held in the default (or balanced) option, which may not be ideal for their circumstances, retirement goals, or what we call your “tolerance towards risk.”

This could mean reaching retirement age with less money in your super fund than you may have otherwise accrued had the investments been more appropriately structured according to your needs, situation and objectives.

At Frankston Financial we can assist you with:

  • Employer contributions
  • Self-managed superannuation
  • Spouse contributions
  • Asset allocation and risk profile
  • Personal contributions and salary sacrifice
  • Lost superannuation
  • Government Co-contribution

To find out more about our approach to superannuation, please contact us.

Investment Advice

For investors that value expert advice

Despite the often-volatile nature of investment markets, investing remains one of the most effective ways to grow your wealth over the long term.

Too many people make poor investment choices based on bad advice, coverage in the media, or emotional impulse decisions when markets experience a sharp downturn. An imprudent decision in the short term can have a detrimental effect on your investment portfolio over the medium to longer term.

Whether you are buying your first parcel of shares or have a well diversified portfolio, we specialise in providing advice around:

  • Managed Funds
  • Direct Investments
  • Term Deposits
  • Gearing
  • Dollar Cost Averaging
  • Diversification
  • Negative gearing

To find out more about our approach to investing, please contact us.

Retirement Planning

The key to a successful retirement is careful planning

Retirement means many different things to different people. For some, it could mean spending more time with family, friends or travelling. While for others, it could mean pursuing a neglected passion, starting a small business or volunteering.

Regardless of what retirement looks like to you, the key to making your ideal version of retirement a reality is to plan, save and invest carefully before you reach your retirement years.

If you find yourself asking will I have enough to retire? Is my investment strategy appropriate? or how do I ease in to retirement? We can help you with:

  1. Transition to Retirement
  2. Retirement Income
  3. Defined Benefits
  4. Lump Sum Payments
  5. Pension advice

To find out more about our approach to retirement planning, and how we can help you please contact us.

Estate Planning

Securing your wealth for your dependents

You spend a lot of time in your working life accumulating assets. It makes sense then to spend some time on planning on how your hard-earned assets will be distributed when you die.

An effective estate plan aims to maximise the value of the estate by reducing taxes and expenses while providing clarity around your wishes.

We understand that estate planning can be a very emotive topic and we will help guide you through the process to ensure your estate plan is in line with your wishes. We can help with:

  1. Your Beneficiaries
  2. Trusts
  3. Business Succession Planning

With our guidance, we will take you through everything you need to consider and ensure you have the things most important to you covered.

To find out more about our approach to estate planning, please contact us.


Kemp and Partners are part of the Frankston Financial service group and are equipped to help with all your accounting needs.

From individual tax returns to comprehensive business taxation, kemp and Partners have a highly skilled and up-to-date team that deliver the right taxation advice, in a manner that you can understand.

Head over to the Kemp and Partners website for more information.


The protection you need, the peace of mind you deserve

An unexpected illness, injury or worse is not something we like to contemplate, however should the unexpected happen it can be reassuring to know that you have done everything you can to protect you and your loved ones financially.

Unfortunately, many Australian households are underinsured or have insurance cover that isn’t suitable for their needs or circumstances. This can place unnecessary strain on the family in the event of an unexpected illness, injury or death.

At Frankston Financial we believe that insurance is the cornerstone of a sound financial plan. As part of our holistic approach, we’ll discuss various types of insurance cover that we feel may be suitable for you based on your circumstances and obligations as we understand them to be.

We specialise in informing our clients on insurance across a wide variety of products:

  • Life Insurance
  • Income Protection
  • Trauma cover
  • Disability Insurance
  • Business Insurance

It’s all part of our duty of care to ensure that you and those you care for are adequately protected should the unexpected strike.

To find out more about our approach to insurance, please contact us.